John 4:35
  • "Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!
  • Status of the Gospel
    • 09.7.08 Number of Christian believers At this moment very few are known of or they could be in hiding
    • 09.07.08 Bible translation Translation has not yet begun on the Dimili language, although portions exist in Northern Zaza a dialect of Dimili.
    • 09.07.08 Missionary Endeavor Reports are that there is one agency doing work among the Dimili. Although that agency has not been identified.
    • 09.07.08 Dimili speaking church No known churches are known to exist in the Dimili speaking region.
    • 09.07.08 Worship Culturally appropriate worship is also non existent.
    • 09.07.07 Gospel broadcast There are no known broadcasts in the Dimili language whether radio, shortwave, TV, or satellite.
Matthew Henry
  • When God is about to give His people the expected good, He pours out a spirit of prayer, and it is a good sign that He is coming towards them in mercy.
  • How to direct your prayer
    • 09.07.08 Known Christians Pray that they would grow in their faith and have boldness to evangelize their fellow Dimili.
    • 09.07.08 Bible Translation Pray for Bible translation to begin and be completed in a timely manner and for proper wording and application to be used.
    • 09.07.08 Missionary Endeavor Pray for the Lord to send forth missionaries to the Dimili People and that they would be properly equipped in language and culture.
    • 09.07.08 Dimili Speaking Church Pray for the Lord to raise up pastors and churches in every major Dimili City.
    • 09.07.08 Worship Pray for the Lord to save Dimili who can create and lead worship in Dimili.
    • 09.07.08 Gospel broadcast Pray for those ministries who are already broadcasting into Turkey to add a Dimili Speaking program to their schedule.